I have a PhD in computer science from the University of Waterloo, with a focus in information retrieval, particularly modeling user behavior with search systems. I also worked on machine learning projects related to efficient high-recall active learning document retrieval and annotation systems, and misinformation in web search.
Since 2013, I have written internal and hobby projects in Python. Some of my code is open-source and available in my Github account.
University of Waterloo
Ph.D. in Computer Science (Information Retrieval). 2017-2021
Masters in Computer Science (Information Retrieval). 2015-2017
University of Victoria
Bachelors in Computer Science (Honors). 2010-2014
The Dark Side of Relevance: The Effect of Non-Relevant Results on Search Behavior. [DOI] [PDF] [CHIIR'22]
Visualizing Searcher Gaze Patterns. [POSTER] [PDF] [CHIIR'21]
The Effect of Queries and Search Result Quality on the Rate of Query Abandonment in Interactive Information Retrieval. [DOI] [PDF] [CHIIR'20]
Overview of the TREC 2019 Decision Track. [PDF] [TREC'19] [Track Co-organizer]
UWaterlooMDS at the TREC 2019 Decision Track. [PDF] [TREC'19] [Top Performing Run]
Patterns of Search Result Examination: Query to First Action. [DOI] [PDF] [CIKM'19]
Exposure and Order Effects of Misinformation on Health Search Decisions. [POSTER] [PDF] [SIGIR - ROME'19]
Dynamic Sampling Meets Pooling. [DOI] [SIGIR'19]
UWaterlooMDS at the TREC 2018 Common Core Track. [PDF] [TREC'18] [Top Performing Run]
- Again! our submission received highest score among 72 runs.
A System for Efficient High-Recall Retrieval. [DEMO] [PDF] [SIGIR'18]
Effective User Interaction for High-Recall Retrieval: Less is More. [DOI] [PDF] [CIKM'18]
A Study of Immediate Requery Behavior in Search. [DOI] [PDF] [CHIIR'18]
Overview of the TREC 2017 Real-Time Summarization Track. [PDF] [TREC'17] [Track Co-organizer]
UWaterlooMDS at the TREC 2017 Common Core Track. [PDF] [TREC'17] [Top Performing Run]
- Our submission received highest score among 75 runs!
WaterlooClarke: TREC 2015 Microblog Track. [PDF] [TREC'15]
Users, Queries, and Abandonment in Web Search. Etsy, Brooklyn (virtual). Feb 2021.
Understanding Query Abandonment Behavior in Web Search. Google, Mountain View. Dec 2017.
PC member SIGIR ('24, '23, '22), ECIR ('25), CIKM('23).
Student representative in the Graduate Recruitment Committee. UWaterloo, Cheriton School of Computer Science.
Student representative in the School Advisory Committee on Appointments. UWaterloo, Cheriton School of Computer Science. Winter 2020.
HiCAL: A System for Efficient High-Recall Retrieval. [Github]
Githeat: Visualizing git commits in your terminal. [Github]